Monday, January 18, 2010

I am Too Old for This!

Its so important to PACE your exercise. After the long hiatus, looking back i think i was over ambitious to actually think that i could do a cycling morning with the group and not pay the repercussions!

It was a beautiful morning surrounded with lush greenery. The morning air was crisp and it was the weather was with us..After the first 10 minutes, I started panting and screaming from the back that my b*@tt was hurting! (Gosh! No wonder bicycle seat cushions is a huge industry ( I am sure it is!). Nobody told me that we would be rolling up and down the hills ( more Ups mind You) to get to the dam and to the picnic area! We incorporated the cycling with an outdoor birthday celebration.Despite the pain, I did not my energetic nephews whizzed passed me several times to hurry up. I was grateful when one of them had to push the bike up the hill as it was too steep for him..( naturally i took the opportunity to "Stay Back" with him and walk up together, Could not possibly leave him alone!) I brought my nephews along so that they could enjoy themselves, roam free and yet be able to exercise at the same time.

At the end of the evening, i reflect back and saw a 15 year old girl cycling -who now feels close to 50 with her knee caps about to fall off!But it was a GREAT day of fun and exercise! I bonded with my friends and family and finally found something my nephews enjoyed doing which would help them have a more healthier lifestyle. They wanted to do more and more of it!

So, my little healthy lessons today are:(1) PACE your exercise routine- it does not matter if you are left behind, be kind with your body, (2) drink ( and carry) water with you (3) do something you really enjoy and (4) incorporate family and friend celebrations with a healthy activity.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Exercise Style

I thought it would be quite fun to get into ones fashion sense when exercising. Like the many things we do and wear, i believe it reflects who we are as a person and what we feel.

See Hannah for one, the Lady in Pink from head to toe. She is definitely most co-ordinated, looks good and wants to be in the pink of health!! ( corny i know..ha ha) and then we have Naga, who i believe is a little adorable boy/puppy dog deep down inside with his cartoon t shirt!
Take a look for yourself, how you look or your exercise partner and come up with your own conclusions! Its fun!

Move It!

Its almost 3 weeks into the New Year and boy has it been hard,...!

December was a lost cause with birthdays, holidays, Christmas, Boxing Day, merriment and eating ( and more eating)..So as usual, we hold tight to our ever increasing tummy/ thigh/hips or whatever and on 31st December we say to ourselves, next year things will CHANGE. Has it??

Personally, i find it so difficult to start exercising and living that healthy lifestyle again. But it has to be done! So get off the couch, lazy potato and start moving. Feeling tired, feeling lethargic, no sleepy all the time., that's because you have stopped the exercise,.!So no matter what or where you are today, START MOVING! Even if it is a walk round the office block or up and down your staircase..just Move, Move, Move and get the momentum going!