Ancient Malay Martial Artis so subtle,hidden and beautiful the steps comes more like a dance than a potentially deadly weapon. Its a dying art and need some serious resurrecting!
We spent an evening with a Silat Gayung Guru JD who said that silat is all about knowing oneself and our own body. Each breath taken, each step made has its meaning which he would teach us in the weeks to come. We did some very simple warm ups which caused me to glow like a cow! (Glow..not Look!)
He gave us the 'kuda kuda' position (horse) and the' kuda kuda angkat siling' (horse holding the ceiling) position.
'Kuda kuda'- Standing with legs apart them move down slowly to a gentle sitting position. Then stay them for a few minutes then repeat.
'Kuda kuda angkat siling'- As above but with both hands faced upwards for a few minutes, then hand slowly move to the side, then in front.
Potentially painful but i intend to do it at least 10 times every morning to see its effects on me. I really have to say that some of the terms i have used here is probablyy not inthe actual Silat lingo but i have just stated it to make me understand the movements!! Sorry Guru! :)
My arms ache a bit this morning..but i really must do these exercises.
Second Record Taking of our measurement is next week!!
hehehehe..... JD is really a good silat master... considering of learning silat full time with him...hmmm